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By Peterparker on July 7, 2020

What is continuing education?

Education is an important part of everyone’s life. Most people study for a limited period of time and then settle for jobs as per their qualification. When it comes to continuing education, there are very few people who give this important factor a thought.

Continuing education is all about pursuing post secondary learning activities and programs. There are several degree and non-degree courses available these days for students who want to continue their education for various reasons.

Here are some of the post secondary learning activities available for the aspirants, these days:

a) Degree credit courses by non-traditional students
b) Not-degree career training
c) Self-directed learning
d) Experimental learning
e) Workforce training
f) Formal personal enrichment courses

If we talk about continuing education in general terms, it is equivalent to adult education. According to this term, the aspirant already has got education and wants to pursue it for attaining additional knowledge. Literacy, primary education, language programs and vocational training are not included here.

Continuing education in developed countries like the United States means getting further education from a reputed college or university. This can be either through part time or full time depending upon the student’s will. The program is also known as extension school or university. Enrolling oneself in non-credit granting courses in the US also means continuing
education. Community colleges offer these courses in US.

In the year 1904, the University of Wisconsin pioneered academic institution in America. It offered continuing education program.

Professionals can also look forward to continue their education in order to enhance their caliber. Professional continuing education can be defined as a learning process that results in obtaining a certificate by the certificate towards the end of the course. The certificate is a document signifying the attendance of the candidate at a course of instruction. There are several programs dedicated towards providing knowledge enhancement to professionals.

These days, there are several ways to continue education. You can choose to sit at home and continue your studies via an online program. You can also go for education program via part time or full time course. Most people prefer taking help of distance education when it comes to continuing education. This is because they also want to work while studying.

Deciding to continue education is prudent. One must think of expanding one’s knowledge irrespective of one’s age or position. Today, there is a great need of licensed education. This is because in many fields, the governing bodies prefer license, to provide a specific line of work.

The main goal of these education programs is to provide a new horizon to provide a new horizon to professionals who want to add up to their knowledge and grab new opportunities coming their way. Several institutions and reputed colleges offline and online provide these courses to the aspirants.

Continuing education is no more a rare objective. Students and even professionals look forward to purse new and enhanced course to add up to the knowledge to their line of work.
