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By Peterparker on July 11, 2020

Sports Memorabilia Collectible Treasures

People have worried for a long time about the authenticity of their sports memorabilia collectible treasures. This worry has hindered many large collectors from investing large sums of money in memorabilia items that they think could not possibly be signed by the person that is being represented on the item.

There are companies that certify the authenticity of these sports memorabilia treasures, and some of those companies have a very rigid process that they require to be followed to the letter, to ensure that the sports memorabilia treasures they are sponsoring or selling will always be backed with they seal of approval and a money back guarantee.

The seal of approval and authenticity of these sports memorabilia treasures is quite often an actual Certificate of Authenticity that you can place under glass. These certificates often come with a matching hologram of the sports products company that is sponsoring the event in question.

There will also be a signed statement from the sports product company’s representative that actually witnessed the signature, and will attest to the authenticity of the item by giving you the name of the event that the item was signed and the date that the signing occurred.

There are many protections in place through many of the sports products company policies. The integrity of the particular company is on the line each time sports memorabilia treasures are sold. The Steiner Sports memorabilia collection provides a guarantee on each piece in their hand-signed sports memorabilia treasures.

The Steiner Sports memorabilia collection has that hologram protection policy in place so that sports collectors will know that the sports memorabilia treasures they are buying are positively authentic.

Another sports memorabilia treasures company called Tri-Star Productions, uses a superb authentication process for all of its sports memorabilia products sold under the name Tri-Star products. They use a numbered hologram that is firmly attached to each sports memorabilia item that is manufactured or sponsored by them.

The numbered hologram is not hard to spot because the numbered hologram features the statement “TRI-STAR AUTHENTIC” on it, and sports collectors simply have to go to the Tri-Star Productions website and enter that hologram number into their hologram authentication software to be assured that the product they are purchasing is really authentic.

Other sports memorabilia treasures feature protection policies that are very strict and concise. Mounted Memories, a sports products company has a set policy in place that limits the methods of obtaining authentic sports memorabilia items. With each of these methods and policies, the consumer will also be assured through the receipt of a certification card that accompanies each piece of sports memorabilia treasures that they have in stock.

The Mounted Memories sports products company has kept their methods down to two principles which state to the consumer that the item was either obtained through a signing event that they sponsored, or through signings that occurred in the direct sight of one of their trusted representatives.

Sports collectors feel very comfortable about purchasing sports memorabilia treasures with these protection policies in place, and come to know the authenticity holograms by sight after only a day. This is a major selling feature they use to assure their customers that they are buying some of the truly authentic sports memorabilia treasures on the market today.
