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By Joseph on April 17, 2023

Signs That You Need Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal is a procedure that removes the infection from the tooth pulp. The infected tooth pulp can cause persistent pain in the tooth, and the pain can be mild to severe.

Many think the procedure is painful, but it is not the process is not painful. It is common to believe as the infected pulp is already causing so much pain to the tooth. So that is why people think that root canal procedures will cause pain.

They are used to eliminate an infected tooth’s pain. If you have pain in the tooth, it is better to visit the dentist as soon as possible to get rid of it. The earlier you treat it, the more simple the treatment is. Consult your root canal specialist near me in Houston for more details.

What is a root canal?

A root canal removes decay while saving the impacted tooth. Your dentist near me open in Houston will perform a root canal when:

  • Remove bacteria and decay from the tooth’s pulp, root, and nerve.
  • Antibiotics are used to sanitize the infected area.
  • Fill in the bare roots.
  • To stop further damage, cover the area.

Your general dentist or an endodontist will execute a root canal treatment.

After the root canal procedure, your natural tooth remains in place, eliminating additional tooth decay. However, it increases the tooth’s brittleness. That is why a crown is frequently placed over a tooth once the root canal procedure is completed.

Symptoms that you may need root canal treatment.

You may only be aware if you have an infected tooth. However, a lot of people report specific symptoms. The need for a root canal is indicated by the following:

Tooth discomfort: Various dental issues can result in persistent tooth pain. You can require root canal therapy if you experience discomfort deep inside your tooth. Your jaw, face, or other teeth can also feel uncomfortable.

Heat and cold sensitivity: If you have pain when eating ice cream or drinking hot coffee, this may indicate that you may need a root canal treatment. And this may be exceptionally true if the pain lasts long.

Swollen gums or loose tooth: Pus can build up around the infected tooth, which can cause the tooth to become swollen, puffy, or sensitive. It may also cause the loosening of the tooth.

How to prevent a root canal?

Follow the same oral hygiene practices that help prevent cavities and other tooth issues to avoid needing a root canal. Try to practice doing the following to maintain the health of your teeth:

  • You must brush your teeth twice daily.
  • Ensure to at least floss once every day between your teeth.
  • Make use of a fluoride rinse or toothpaste.
  • You must visit the dentist open on weekends near me in Houston for an examination in 6 months.
  • At least once every year, see the dentist to get your teeth thoroughly cleaned.
  • Try to cut back on your consumption of processed carbs and sugary foods. These substances frequently adhere to your teeth. Try to clean your teeth or rinse your mouth quickly after consuming sweet foods.

In Conclusion:

Infection can cause the teeth to become loose slowly, and you may lose your tooth. If you experience discomfort and pain in your tooth, it is better to treat it on time. See your dentist as soon as possible to get the treatment. Consult with your emergency root canal near me in Houston and also ask about the root canal recovery time in Houston. Book an appointment now!